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    时间:2020-11-23 00:51:59 来源:勤学考试网 本文已影响 勤学考试网手机站


    Business Letters and Presenting Information 商务信件和呈交


    DON BRADLEY: We haven' t decided on a plan of action yet.

    堂. 布拉德利:我们还没决定行动计划。

    We must outline a strategy, but first let me summaries what we' re said so far.


    This is a critical situation.


    We know that J.K. Toys are playing to win.

    我们知道 J.K. 玩具公司计划大获全胜。

    And we know that right now they have the edge.


    So, let' s look at the down side.


    What are their advantages?

    他们的优势是什么 ?

    They have a larger market share;

    他们有更大的市场份额 ;

    they have a cheaper product;

    他们的产品更便宜 ;

    they have an earlier launch date,


    and we think they have a larger advertising budget.


    KATE MCKENNA:Their strategy is very clear :

    凯特 . 麦凯纳:他们的策略很清楚:

    they want our share of the market, both the European market and the export market.


    DON BRADLEY: We cannot let them succeed.

    堂. 布拉德利:我们不能让他们成功。

    We have to consider which of these factors we can influence.


    Kate, any ideas?

    凯特,你怎么看 ?

    KATE MCKENNA:There are two immediate things we can do :

    凯特 . 麦凯纳:有两件事是我们能够马上做的:

    we can increase our advertising budget and bring forward the launch date.


    DON BRADLEY: Derek, is that feasible?

    堂. 布拉德利:德里克,这行得通吗 ? DEREK JONES: I don' t think so.

    德里克 . 琼斯:我看不行。

    CLIVE HARRIS: I' ve got some news for you all.

    克莱夫 . 哈里斯:我有些消息要告诉大家。

    DON BRADLEY: Okay, just a second.I' ll switch on the speaker.

    堂. 布拉德利:好的,请稍等。我改成扬声器。

    Okay, Clive, go ahead.


    CLIVE HARRIS: I' ve got some useful information from

    Peter Day :

    克莱夫 . 哈里斯:我从皮特 o 戴得到一些有用的资料:

    first of all, I think they' re moving too fast.


    They haven' t done their sums.


    DEREK JONES: Clive, this is Derek.

    德里克 . 琼斯:克莱夫,我是德里克。

    Do you know how large their production run' s going to be?

    你知道他们的产量会是多少吗 ?

    CLIVE HARRIS: It' s going to be around 300,000 units.

    克莱夫 . 哈里斯:约 30 万件。

    DEREK JONES: That' s about what we hoped--more than 450,000 and we' ve got problems.

    德里克 . 琼斯:和我们想的差不多 --45 万多,我们有麻烦了。

    KATE MCKENNA:This is Kate. I' ve got a question.

    凯特 . 麦凯纳:我是凯特。我有个问题。

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