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    摘要:利用GIS技术对校园房产与土地信息进行可视化管理,可高效、准确地掌握房产和 土地资源及其空间分布情况,为学校资产管理部门提供快速有效的决策和管理的现代化工 具。在对系统总体结构、功能、数据库进行设计的基础上,采用 GIS组件技术,将 MapX

    组件嵌入到Visual Basic 6.0可视化开发环境中,以 Access为后台数据库,开发了集数据录 入、查询、修改、统计及报表等功能为一体的高校房产管理信息系统,该系统在实际应用中 收到良好的效果。

    关键词:计算机应用房产和土地信息管理 GIS MapX

    随着GIS技术的迅速发展,我国各行各业的 数字化”建设取得巨大进步,数 字中国” 数字城市”网络化管理的愿望正在变为现实。由于高等教育的迅速发 展和办学规模的不断扩大,学校土地、房产迅速增加和变更。图形和属性信息不 一致,高校资产管理部门过去的管理方式、管理手段及管理软件已不能满足新形 势管理需要⑴。为了适应信息时代发展的需要,建立高校房产和宗地管理信息系 统势在必行。以兰州交通大学房产和宗地管理信息系统”软件开发为例,探讨了 采用Visual Basic 6.0语言,基于MapX组件和数据库软件Access,实现校园房产 和土地信息数据入库、更新、修改、查询、统计和报表等功能,为提高学校相关 部门的管理效率和信息化管理水平发挥巨大作用、 产生深远影响。该系统已在学




    (1) 基础组件

    面向空间数据管理,提供基础的交互过程,并能以灵活的方式与数据库系统 连接。

    (2) 高级通用组件

    由基础组件结构而成,面向通用功能,简化用户开发过程,如显示工具组件、 选择工具组件、编辑工具组件、属性浏览器组件等,它们之间的协同控制消息都 被封装起来。这级组件经过封装后,面向通用功能,使二次开发更为简单 ⑵0


    抽象出行业应用的特定算法,固化到组件中,进一步加速开发过程。以GPS 监控为例,对于GPS应用,除了需要地图显示、信息查询等一般的GPS功能外, 还需要特定的应用功能,如动态目标显示、目标锁定、轨迹显示灯。这些 GPS

    行业性应用功能组件被封装起来后,开发工作就可简化为设置显示目标的图例、 轨迹显示的颜色、锁定的目标以及调用、接受数据的方法等。



    MapX是按图层组织地图,将一副计算机地图划分成多个透明层叠的图层, 每个图层包括了整个地图的一种信息。

     为了便于对图层进行编辑和管理, 可以通 过控制图层集合对象来协调处理各图层的关系。地图中的所有图层组成图层集 合,要在MapX中进行增加、删除或改变图层等操作,必须通过图层集合。每个 地图对象都包括了一个图层集合,图层集合又是由图层对象组成,因此通过图层 集合访问地图中各个图层。MapX是通过图层集合来控制地图。

    校园电子地图中设置的图层包括:行政楼、教学楼、实验楼、图书馆、公寓 和家属楼、绿地、校园景点、运动场、道路节点、道路线及界线等图层。


    每个地图都有一个数据集合,通过数据集合可以将属性数据与地图空间数据 连接起来。数据绑定是将外部数据引入 MapX的过程,外部数据可以是多种类型 的数据库,数据绑定后可以在地图上以图元浏览数据或基于这些数据创建专题渲 染地图。




     其中每个图元就是一个特征对象,可以通过图层的属性查找定位地理特征, 如线、

    符号或区域特征。为了能够使用该方法,必须使查找图层的 Map info表中存在一 个索引字段。在各图层中实现找寻地物的方法:

    For Each lyR In Maph Layers

    If lyR.Name ="行政教学楼 ” Then

    Set ds = Formma in .Map1.DataSets.Add(miDataSetLayer, lyR)

    Set ftrs = lyR.Search("NAME like ""%" & build name & "%""")


    MapX组件的基本组成单元是单个对象(Object)和集合(Collection),其中集合 包括对象,是多个对象的组合,每种对象和集合负责处理地图某一方面功能 ⑻。

    MapX定义了一个类体系,可以有效地组织图形元素、图层及属性数据等对象, 主要有以下功能:

    显示Mapinfo格式的地图。MapX支持与Map Info —致的数据格式,可直接 打开.tab、.gst等文件。

    生成和编辑地图对象。MapX中封装了大量的绘图工具,可生成点、线、面 和注记等要素,它内部的FeatureFactory对象为要素符号化提供了方法,并允许 用户自定义符号。

    供对地图进行放大、缩小、漫游和要素选取等操作。在MapX中,应用Tool Used事件并设定相关参数,便可实现对地图的上述操作。

    图层控制。MapX允许用户将要素分层管理,真正创建要素的物理层。图层 控制、加载图层、加载图层集的方法如下:



    DialogTitle ="加载图层"

    .Filter = "Map I nfo Tables (*.tab)|*.tab"

    .DialogTitle ="加载图层集"

    .Filter = "MapX GeoSet (*.gst)|*gst"

    建立属性表。MapX提供了实现数据库中的数据与 Map Info地图关联的方法, 对几何数据赋予相应的属性,以满足信息查询的需要。用户可通过图上选取或 SQL语句对要素的属性进行访问。



    在用户需求分析的基础上,系统的总体结构设计包括:地图数据管理、系统 组成、系统界面、系统功能、数据存储管理、数据显示以及数据输入输出,该系 统结构如图1所示。



    该系统为学校只能部门对校园房产和宗地进行管理的工具,拥有管理员和 拥护两级使用权限,用户可以对数据进行查询、统计和报表输出等基本操作,管 理员能够进行所有操作。



    (1) 用户管理信息表


    (2) 土地管理信息表

    土地管理表用于存储管理员录入的校园宗地信息, 以便用户由图查询宗地

    属性时,显示相关信息。土地信息一般包括如表 2的字段。

    除上字段外还有发证日期、证书号、载明面积、权属性质、取得日期、坐 落位置、土地面积(平方米)、土地面积(亩)、金额、使用单位、土地来源、使 用状况及备注等。

    (3) 人事住房信息表

    人事住房信息表用于存储管理员由excel表导入或由对话框录入的职工住房 信息,以便资产部门快速查询,了解职工个人住房和相关信息, 避免过去那种低 效的翻阅纸质卡片档案的繁琐劳动。人事住房信息内容较多,包括姓名、性别、 单位名称、出生年日、最高学历、上大学时间、参加工作时间、离退休时间、职



    (4) 建筑物信息

    建筑物信息表用于存储管理员由对话框录入的公房信息, 资产管理员利用查

    询功能可快速查询各类公房的相关信息和图片,还有建筑物结构、卡片号、资产 分类代码、证书号、产权使用人、发证日期、坐落位置、使用状况、竣工日期、 建筑面积(平方米)、金额、备注及图片等。

    (5) 楼层信息表

    楼层信息表包括建筑物名称、楼层、楼层总面积、卫生间、过廊、楼梯、水 房、配电室、值班室、水箱、备注及 CAD图等。供资产管理人员快速查询每栋 楼房的各层信息和图片。

    (6) 房间信息

    房间信息表包括建筑物名称、楼层、使用单位、房间号、房间名称、使用方 向、建筑面积、使用面积、配电室、值班室等信息和图片。供资产管理人员快速 查询楼房的各层房间的相关信息。




    统计、报表等工作,提高职能部门的工作效率和管理水平, 而这些信息数据种类

    繁多、录入信息量较大,本系统采用了两种录入方法:一种方法是对已有 excel

    表格数据由程序按字段自动导入 ACCESS数据库,这样避免了大量的数据录入 工作,并消除了录入过程的错误;另一种方法是采用对话框的方式, 将各种数据 表中的字段显示在对话框中,以编辑框的方式,直观友好的进行数据的录入、 添 加、修改和删除等操作。

    在对属性数据进行统计后,不仅可在对话框中显示数据,而且可形成 excel

    报表,将统计结果输出,呈报有关部门,提高办事效率,快速为职能部门的决策 提供依据。


    实现图文互访是系统最大的特点,系统提供了两种方式的查询,一种是从地 图到属性的查询、浏览,即从平面图查询指定地物的属性。另一种是从属性到地 图的定位查询定位,由地物的属性值如建筑物的名称查询该建筑物在地图中的位 置,亮显并放大。


    统计汇总功能分为攻防统计和居住房统计两大功能板块,其中居住房统计 又分为:人事住房统计、租房统计、售房统计。


    本系统还包括宗地信息查询、地图显示、面积和距离测量、地图信息查询、 输出、保存以及打印等功能。


    采用Visual Basic语言结合MapX的开发环境,从分利用了组件式开发的优 点,缩短了系统开发的时间,降低了开发的难度,同时也大大提高了系统的信息 管理的能力和效率。系统优点如下:

    (1) 实现了对已有数据导入系统的功能以及地图和属性数据的关联关系。

    (2) 实现了对图道属性和由属性到图的双向查询,弥补了 MIS系统缺乏空间数 据的缺点。

    (3) 实现了对公房信息、土地信息和人事住房等信息的实时更新、统计和报表 功能。

    这种软件开发技术也可用于地下管网与交通信息系统等方面,对类似的软件 开发具有一定的参考价值。后续工作也可从三维可视化技术入手,进行空间信息 查询。


    L in xiao son g.the desig n and developme nt of Campus Real Estate based on GIS[J].Ch ongqing

    Jiaoto ng Uni versity,2004

    Zheng wen wu,Liu yong.he design and development of Campus Real Estate based on

    MapObjects.He ngya ngshifa ng Uni versity,2005

    Wan jian hua,Meng hui.The Application of GIS in Campus Real Estate Management.People's

    Traffic Press,2007

    The Application of GIS in Campus Real Estate Management

    Cheng Yao dong Meng Bin Zhao Tin gt ing Han Jin Wang Ain

    (School of Mathematics, Physics & Software Engineering, Lanzhou Jiao tong University, Lan zhou Ga ns 730070, Chin a;)

    Abstract: House properties, la nd resources and their spatial distributio n can be man agedeffectively and accurately with the help of GIS tech no logy used in visual man ageme nt of campus estate and land in formatio n, which provides a tool for assets man ageme nt departme nts to perform fast and effective decisi on maki ng and managing. With the desig n of gen eral structure, functions, and database as the basis, the use of GIS comp onents tech no logy to embed Manx into Visual Basic 6.0, and Access as database develop tool, a campus estate man ageme nt in formatio n system is developed, which in cludes functions like en teri ng, inquiry, modifyi ng, statistics and report ing of data. The system has worked well practically.

    Key word: computer applicati on; house and land in formatio n man ageme nt;GIS; MapX

    With the rapid developme nt of GIS tech no logy, "Digitizati on" of all walks of life in China has made great progress, the Network management's desire of "Digital City" and "Digital China" is to become a reality.Due to the rapid development of higher educati on and the con sta nt expa nsion of the school,A nd the school land, real estate rapidly in crease and cha nge.Thei neon siste ncy of Graphic in formatio n and attribute information and The managementof the university assets managementdepartment about man ageme nt tools and man ageme ntsoftware and man ageme nt style can not adapt the man ageme nt n eeds of the new situati on.ln order to adapt the n eeds of the developme nt of the in formatio n age, the establishme nt of the Un iversity Property and parcel management information system is imperative.With software development about the real estate and parcel managementinformation systems of Lanzhou Jiao tong Uni versity,we research for the Function ,For example the storage of In formati on data , update, modify, query, statistics and reports about The campus estate and Ian d,Based on vb and MapX comp onent and database software Access,which play a significant role and have a profound impact for the efficiency of school sector man ageme nt and the level of in formatio n man ageme nt.The system has bee n used in schools intelligence department and provided a visualization platform for campus in formati on man ageme nt.

    1The public estate management besed on MapX and Vb

    1.1a three-tier structure could being designed usually in the development platform of Component GIS ?

    Basic comp onents

    For spatial data man ageme nt, to provide a basis for in teract ion and connect with the database system by a flexible way.

    Se nior com mon comp onents

    Made by the un derly ing comp onent structure, the developme nt process become simple for user About com mon function s,For example the comp onents of display tool and select Tools and editing tools and attribute browser . Cooperative control messagesare en capsulatedbetwee n them. the Com mon functions make sec on dary developme nt easier after Comp onents have bee n packaged

    I ndustry comp onents

    Abstracted industry application specific algorithms, fixed to the component, accelerate the development process by move forward a single step.For GPS applicati on s,Not only the n eed of the map display and In formati on inquiry and other the GPS functions, but also requires a specific application functions which based on GPS monitoring,Such as dynamic target display, target lock, track indicator lights.After the GPS industry application functional components which are en capsulated,Lege nd of the developme nt work can be reduced to the target set display, the trajectory display of color, target lock and the way of the accepted data.

    1.2 Development approach based on MapX


    MapX is layer-orga ni zati on map which divided a computer map into multiple

    tran spare nt lamin ated layers and each layer in cludi ng an in formatio n of the en tire map.we can coord in ate the han dli ng of the relatio nship of the various layers by con troli ng the Layers collecti on that made edit and man age easyer.collecti on of map layers was composed by layers,the operati ons such as add in g,deleti ng,cha nging must pass a collect ion of layers in MapX.The object in each map, in cludi ng a collecti on of layers and layers collecti on based onl ayer objects. through the Layers collect ion access map layers,through the Layers collecti on access map layers.MapX con trol the map by con troli ng collect ion of layers.

    To set in the campus electronic map layers,suchasthe administration building, classroom build in g, laboratory build ing, a library, apartme nts and family win gs, gree n spaces, campus attract ions, playgro un ds, roads no des road lines and boun daries of layers.

    Data Bi ndi ng

    Each map has a data collection, data collection can attribute data and map spatial data link. Data Binding to introduce the MapX The process of external data, external data can be a variety of types of database, data binding eleme nts on the map brows ing data or based on these data to create a thematic map is ren dered.

    Characteristic collections and the way to find

    In MapX, the map is made up of layers and layers made up of map features.Usually each layer has one type of characteristics」n MapX, all the characteristics of a layer con stitut ing a feature set. Each diagram eleme nt is a feature of the object, by the properties of the layer to locate geographic features, such as lin es, symbols or regional characteristics. Mapinfo table in order to be able to use this method, you must find layers there is an index field. the method of Finding the surface features in each layer:

    For Each lyR In Map 1.Layers

    If lyR.Name = "Chief classroom buildi ng" The n

    Set ds = Formma in .Map1.DataSets. Add(miDataSetLayer, lyR)

    Set ftrs = lyR.Search("NAME like ""%" & build name & "%""")

    The model structure of MapX

    The basic un it in MapX comp onent is a sin gle object and collecti on

    collecti onin cludes objects, is a comb in ati on of multiple objects, each object and

    collecti on han dles map a fun ctiof] .MapX defi nes a class system, which can effectively orga nize the graphic eleme nts, layers and attribute data objects, mai nly the followi ng functions:

    To display the map of MapInfo format.MapX and MapInfo consistent have the same data format.A nd Tab,. Gst and other docume nts can be ope ned directly.

    To gen erate and edit map objects.A large nu mber of draw ing tools

    en capsulated in MapX which can gen erate poin ts, li nes, surfaces, and anno tatio n eleme nts on it within FeatureFactory object eleme nts symbolized provides methods and allows the user to custom symbols.

    For the map, zoom in, zoom out, roaming and feature selection operation. In MapX ,Tool Used eve nt and set the releva nt parameters, the above operatio n can be realized on the map.

    Layer con trol.MapX allows the user to man age the eleme nts of hierarchical and create the elements of the physical layer really . the following method of Layer con troli ng, loadi ng layers:


    MapI. Refresh

    DialogTitle = "loading layers"

    .Filter = "Map I nfo Tables (*.tab)|*.tab"

    .DialogTitle = "Load a collect ion of layers"

    .Filter = "MapX GeoSet (*.gst)|*.gst"

    Create a property sheet.MapX provides the data in the database and MapInfo map associated method, give n the corresp onding property of the geometric data, in order to meet the information needs of the query. Users can select Figure or SQL stateme nts to access the properties of the eleme nts.

    2 The system model and function designed

    2.1 The designe of System Model

    The overall structure of the system design based on user needs analysis, in cludi ng map data man ageme nt system, system in terface, system fun ctio nality, data storage man ageme nt, data display and data in put and output, the system architecture is show n in Figure 1.

    Figure 1 System Architecture

    2.2The designe of System function

    The system is the tool of functional departments to carry out management for the campus property and Ian d. It has two permissi ons of adm ini strator and user. Users can query, statistics and report output and other basic operations on data.manager can do all of operati ons.

    Figure 2 The system fun ctio n structure chart

    2.3The database structure and data dictionary

    Management of user information table

    User man ageme nt table is used to store the user n ame, password and permissi ons.

    Land management information table

    Land man ageme nt table is used to store the adm ini strator will in put the campus parcel information, so that the user by graph query parcel attributes, display related in formati on. Land in formati on gen erally in cludes 2 fields .

    In addition to field , there is the date of issuanee, the certificate number, specify the n ature of the area, locati on, date of acquisiti on,, la nd area ( square meters ), la nd area ( MU ), amount, use un its, la nd sources, the use and remark.

    Personal housing information table

    Personal housing information table is used to store the administrator by import excel table or by the employee hous ing in formati on en try, query to asset man ageme nt, and kno wledge workers in dividual hous ing and related in formati on, to avoid the tedious labor in the past the kind of in efficie nt readi ng paper card file. Pers onal housing information is large, including name, gender, unit name, birth year, the highest degree, the University of time, time, time to participate in the work of retired, post, title, n ame of spouse, the spouse un it, nu mber, type of hous ing, con struct ion area, use the area, while the area and the completio n time of more tha n 40 kin ds.

    Building information

    Build ing in formati on table is used to store the public houses by the in formati on in put by the dialog man ager.Asset admi nistrators use releva nt in formatio n and image query function can quickly query all kinds of public houses. there are the structure of build in gs, the card nu mber, asset classificati on code, the certificate nu mber, property use, date, locati on, use, con struct ion area, the completi on date ( square meters ), the amount of no tes and pictures, etc..

    Floor information table

    Floor information table includes building name, floors, total floor area, bathrooms, corridors, staircases, water room, power distribution room, duty room, water tank, notes and CAD map , for asset management fast query information and pictures of each layer of each build ing.

    Room information table

    The room information table includes building name, floor, use unit, room number, n ame of room, use, con struct ion area, use the area, power distributi on room, duty room information and pictures, for asset managementfast query information and pictures of each room of each layer.

    3The main functions of the system implementation

    3. llnput and output of attribute data

    Public houses by the management information system is mainly used for the worki ng pers onnel hous ing in formati on, public in formati on, in formati on query, la nd statistics, report。It improves the functional departments of the work efficiency and man ageme nt level The in formati on data has many kinds and in formati on of In put is large。The system uses two in put method: One method is the EXCEL form data by programs in the field of automatic import of ACCESS database This method avoids a lot of data en try works, and removes the entry process errors A no ther method is to use the dialog box, the field data in the table shown in the dialog box, in the edit box, intuitive and friendly data entry, add, modify and delete operations.

    In the statistics of the attribute data, not only can display data in a dialog box, but also can form a excel stateme nt, the output results, reported to the releva nt departme nts, improve work efficie ncy, and provide the basis for the decisi on-mak ing departme nts quickly.

    3.2lnquiry function

    Realization of graphic exchange is the biggest feature The system provides two ways to query。One is query and bowse from a map to attribute, query the specified object from a pla nar graph propertiesA no ther is the query locatio n from a property to map location。

     The name such as building query the building position in the map by object attribute values, highlighting and amplification.

    3.3Statistical report form function

    Statistical summary functions are divided into attack-defense statistics and statistical functions of the two sector in hous ing。The populatio n was divided in to housing statistics prsonnel housing statistics, housing statistics, while statistics. 3.3Other fun ctio ns

    The system also includes a parcel information query, map display, area and dista nee measureme nt, map in formati on query, output, save and print etc..


    Using Visual Basic Ian guage and MapX developme nt en vir onment, from the use of the adva ntages of comp onent developme nt, shorte n the system developme nt time, reduce developme nt difficulty, but also greatly improves the in formati on man ageme nt system of the capability and efficie ncy. The system has the followi ng adva ntages:

    The realizatio n of the existi ng data in to the system fun cti on and the relati on ship betwee n the map and the attribute data.

    The properties and the bidirectional query graph formed by nature to make up for the lack of space, the MIS system data.

    The realization of public information, land information and personnel hous ing in formati on such as real-time update, statistics and reports.

    The software developme nt tech no logy can also be used for un dergro und pipe network and traffic information system, and has the certain referenee value to the similar software development. The follow-up work can commenee from the 3D visualization, spatial information query.


    Lin xiao song.the design and development of Campus Real Estate based on GIS[J].Cho ngqi ng Jiaoto ng Un iversity,2004

    Zheng wen wu,Liu yong.he design and development of Campus Real Estate based on MapObjects.He ngya ngshifa ng Uni versity,2005

    Wa n jia n hua,Me ng hui.The Applicatio n of GIS in Campus Real Estate Man ageme nt.P eople's Traffic Press,2007

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