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    英语笑话带翻译短_英语笑话带翻译 短一些

    时间:2019-03-08 12:12:30 来源:勤学考试网 本文已影响 勤学考试网手机站




      Reason of the Punishment

      One day a little girl came home from school, and said to her mother, “Mommy, today in school Iwas punished for something that I didn't do.”

      The mother exclaimed, “But that's terrible! I'm going to have a talk with your teacher aboutthis! By the way, what was it that you didn't do?” The little girl replied, “My homework.”



      一天,小女孩从学校回到家里,对妈妈说:妈妈,今天在学校里我因为一件我没有做的事情而受到惩罚。 妈妈激动地说:那真是太可怕了!我要跟你的老师好好谈一谈,对了,你没有做过的那件事是什么? 小女孩回答说:我的家庭作业。


      Go Barefoot

      In secondary school, I was always self-conscious about my height. Once I was asked out by alife-guard. I had never really stood next to him and didn't know how tall he was, so the night ofthe date I took out two pairs of shoes-one with heels, one flat. I arranged with my brother toanswer the door, compare his height with my date's and run upstairs to let me know whichshoes to wear.

      When doorbell rang I waited. Then my brother showed up and told me what I didn't want tohear: Go barefoot.



      中学的时候,我对自己的高度非常敏感。一次,一位救生员约我出去。事实上,我从未和他并肩站过,因而不知道他到底有多高。因此约会那晚,我拿出两双鞋,一双高跟,一双平跟。我安排哥哥去开门,让他和救生员比比高度,再上楼告诉我应穿哪双鞋。 门铃响了,我在楼上等着。哥哥跑上楼告诉了我一个不幸的消息:你可以光着脚去约会。


      Impudent Questions

      A little girl from the East Side was invited to a garden party given by a very aristocratic lady to agroup of little East-Siders. The little girl, as she drank her tea and ate her plum-cake on a velvetlawn under a white-blooming cherry tree, said to her hostess,“Does your husband drink?”

      “Why-er-no, not to excess,” was the astonished reply.

      “How much does he make?”

      “He doesn't work,” said the lady. “He is a capitalist.”

      “You keep out of debt, I hope?”

      “Of course, child. What on earth do you mean by all these impudent questions?”

      “Impudent?” said the little girl. “Why, Ma'am, Mother told me to be sure and behave like a lady,and when ladies call at our rooms they always question Mother like that.”



      一个住在城东贫民区的小女孩获得邀请,参加一位贵妇人为城东贫民区的孩子们举行的花园晚会。 在一棵开满了白色小花儿的樱桃树下,小女孩坐在柔软的草地上,一边品尝着她的茶和梅子蛋糕,一边对贵妇人说:你的丈夫酗酒吗? 呃,呃,不,他喝得不多。夫人一脸惊诧。 他挣多少钱? 他不工作,夫人回答说,他是个资本家。 我希望你们没有负债吧? 当然没有,孩子。你问这么些无礼的问题到底是想说什么呢? 无礼?小女孩说,怎么会呢,夫人?妈妈要我的举止一定要象夫人们一样,当她们到我们家做客的时候,她们总是那样问我妈妈的。








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