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    时间:2021-01-11 20:18:15 来源:勤学考试网 本文已影响 勤学考试网手机站

    Un it 1

    1、 Daniel in vited Joh n to the job in terview.

    一 :

    2、 Daniel worked in Corporate Pan-Asia for 6 years. 一 :

    3、Daniel was in charge of the southwest region of Canada.

    一 :

    4、 A 50% in crease in sales over a three-m onth period proved Daniel a good man

    ager. 一 :

    5、 Teamwork helped Daniel achieve an outsta nding in crease. 一 :


    John:Thank you for agreeing to meet with me today.

    Sally:Tha nk you for in vit ing me.

    John:Y our r

    sum e looks impressi ve

    It looks like you achieved a lot duri ng your time at uni versity. Could you give me an example of good teamwork duri ng your time there?

    Sally:Hmm, so you want an example? I was the treasurer of the Stude nts' Union. I

    mea n ? I'm particularly

    proud of

    on time

    how I orga ni zed the finan ces. We had a very small budget and I had to make decisi ons on what to buy./3 、John:Very impressive so you're a good planner, Sally! We

    like 0 皿 nized

    people here.

    Sally:Also ?ti mekeepi ng -

    is importa nt to me. I always try to complete my work At uni versity I n ever han ded in my assig nments late.

    Joh n: That's good to hear. Fin ally I want to know what exactly made

    you aPPW for "

    this job at this compa ny.

    Sally:Er ?well. The reas on I applied is ?

    Accord ing to the passage, where can we find job advertiseme nts more ofte n no wadays?

    一 :

    厂 A. I n a magazi ne.

    B. On a website.


    C. In a n ewspaper.

    2. How do people apply for a job?

    一 :


    By going to visit the compa ny. B. By e-mail.


    C. By phone.

    3. Besides the application letter, what else is also important?

    一 :


    A. A r sum e .


    B. A picture.


    C. A certificate.

    4. What do compa nies provide to job applica nts no wadays before they apply for jobs?

    一 :

    A. A sta ndard form.

    B. A certificate

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