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    时间:2018-07-06 17:19:58 来源:勤学考试网 本文已影响 勤学考试网手机站

      动词的 -ing形式是动词的一种非谓语形式,由动词原形加 -ing构成,包括 -ing分词和 -ing动名词。可以在句子中用作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补语、状语和定语。接下来小编为你整理了高一英语动词ing形式知识点,一起来看看吧。



      Seeing is believing.


      Coming to Hangzhou by train takes about 16 hours.



      It‘s nice talking with you.


      It‘s no use arguing with him.


      3.“There + be + no + -ing”结构,此结构的意义相当于“It‘s impossible + 不定式”。如:

      There is no harm in doing so.



      动词 -ing可用来作表语。如:

      This food smells inviting.


      My favorite sport is swimming.


      Their job is cleaning the window.




      I warned her against driving fast.

      Jim dislikes eating chocolate.

      2.有些动词和动词短语后接作宾语的非限定性动词时只能是-ing分词,常见的这类动词有:admit, acknowledge, advise, appreciate, avoid, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, excuse, escape,

      fancy, finish, forgive, face, endure, involve, give up, imagine, mention, mind, miss, pardon,

      practise, require, resent, resist, suggest, recall, resist, understand等。

      The doctor advised taking more exercise.


      I suggest doing it in a different way.


      3.大部分“动词+介词”短语动词,只能后接动词-ing作宾语。这些动词短语有:think of, give up, aim at, put off, insist on, persist in, be good at, do well in, can‘t help, keep on, leave

      off, feel like, be tired (afraid, capable, fond) of, set about等。

      以下为to作介词的短语有:be used to, object to, devote oneself to, stick to, respond to, look forward to, see to, submit to, adapt to, apply to, accede to, get to, prefer to, adjust to, owe to,

      react to等。

      Do you feel like having a drink?


      I prefer swimming to playing basketball.




      ⑴chance to do 碰巧去做某事

      chance doing 冒险试一试做某事

      ⑵forget to do 忘记要去做某事

      forget doing 忘记曾做过某事

      ⑶go on to do 接着又做另一件事

      go on doing 继续做同一件事

      ⑷remember to do 记得要去做某事

      remember doing 记得曾做过某事

      ⑸stop to do 停下来去做某事

      stop doing 停止做某事

      ⑹try to do 努力做某事

      try doing 试一试做某事

      ⑺regret to do 对将要做的事表示遗憾

      regret doing 对做过的事表示遗憾

      ⑻mean to do 打算/想做某事

      mean doing 意味着/意思是做某事


      I found the parade quite interesting to watch.


      1.表示感觉和心理状态的动词,如:see, hear, feel, find, smell, watch, find, listen to, look at, notice, observe等。如:

      There we found him watching TV.


      I heard someone knocking at the door.


      2.在有些动词(如:regard, describe, accept, think of, quote等)之后,可由as引出-ing分


      They regarded the contract as being invalid.


      They described the child as being very clever.


      3.使役动词,如:set, keep, have, get, leave, catch等。如:

      Can you get my watch going again?


      This sets me thinking.



      -ing分词作状语表示在进行一动作的同时所进行的另一动作,它对谓语动词起修饰和 陪衬的作用。分词作状语可以表示时间、原因、条件、让步、结果、方式或伴随情况。

      Having cleaned the rooms we began to weed the garden.(时间)


      Coming into the room, she saw everybody already at their work.(时间)


      Being ill, he couldn‘t go to school.(原因)


      Having no interest in the topic, he didn‘t go to the lecture.(原因)


      Working diligently, you will certainly succeed.(条件)


      Using atomic energy, we can build spaceships.(条件)


      Granting the achievements to be great, there is still something to be desired.(让步)


      My car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing the delay.(结果)


      Traveling by train, we visited a number of cities.(方式)


      Mary sat by the window of the classroom, reading a book.(伴随)




      a smiling face 笑脸

      a leading figure 领导人物


      easy-going man 好说话的人


      She went on board the train leaving for Shanghai.

      = She went on board the train, which was leaving for Shanghai.


      There are two roads before us, one leading to the beach, the other to the park.

      = There are two roads before us, one which leads to the beach, the other to the park.




      1. As I'll be away for at least a year, I'd appreciate ________ now and then telling me how everyone is getting along.

      A. hearing B. to hear C. to be hearing D. having heard

      2. The teacher didn’t feel like ______ hem on the spot.

      A. correct B. correcting C. to correct D. corrected

      3. With the old man ________ the way, we had no trouble in ________ that cave.

      A. leads, find B. leading, finding C. led, to find D. was leading, found

      4. I remember __________ for the job, but I forget the exact amount.

      A. to pay B. paying C. to have paid D. being paid

      5. He was seen ___________ out.

      A. go B. to go C. went D. goes

      6. He hasn’t got used ________ in the countryside.

      A. live B. to live C. to living D. living

      7. We don’t allow ________ in the lecture room.

      A. to smoke B. smoke C. smoking D. to smoking

      8. I’m looking forward to __________ from you soon.

      A. hear B. heard C. hearing D. being heard

      9. She doesn’t mind _________ at home alone though she may feel lonely.

      A. leave B. being left C. leaving D. to be left

      10. People from all the corners came to the city, __________ it very crowded.

      A. to make B. and making C. made D. making

      11. ________ all the time is the key to _________ progress in English.

      A. Practise, making B. To practise, making

      C. Practise, make D. To practise, make

      12. Only one of these books is ____________.

      A. worth to read B. worth being read C. worth of reading D. worth reading

      13. They knew her very well. They had seen her _______ up from childhood.

      A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow

      14. She reached the top of the hill and stopped _________ on a big rock by the side of the path.

      A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest

      15._________ a reply, he decided to write again.

      A. Not receiving B. Receiving not

      C. Not having received D. Having not received

      16. European football is played in 80 countries, ________ it the popular sport in the world.

      A. making B. makes C. made D. to make

      17. One learns a language by making mistakes and __________ them.

      A. correct B. correcting C. corrects D. to correct

      18. __________ at the door before entering please.

      A. Knocked B. To knock C. Knocking D. Knock

      19. ________ such heavy pollution already, it may now be too late to clean up the river.

      A. Having suffered B. Suffering C. To suffer D. Suffered

      20. He sent me an-email, __________ to get further information.

      A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope

      21. Tony was very unhappy for ________ to the party.

      A. having not been invited B. not having invited

      C. having not invited D. not having been invited

      22. Though ________money, his parents managed to send him to university.

      A. lacked B. lacking of

      C. lacking D. lacked in

      23. How about the two of us ________a walk down the garden?

      A. to take B. take

      C. taking D. to be taking

      24. ________is a good form of exercise for both young and old.

      A. The walk B. Walking

      C. To walk D. Walk

      25. —I must apologize for ________ahead of time.

      —That’s all right.

      A. letting you not know B. not letting you know

      C. letting you know not D. letting not you know


      1 Would you mind carrying this suitcases for us?

      2 It has been so nice meeting you.

      3 The main difficulty was finding enough raw material.

      4 The real problem is knowing what to write.

      5 It was annoying not being able to remember the new words.

      6 Working in the open air has given you a good color.

      7 The girls are all fond of dancing.

      8 It made him ill drinking so much whisky.

      9 Your job will be looking after the cows.



      1---5 A B B D B

      6---10 C C C C D

      11---15 D D A C C

      16---20 A B C A B

      21---25 D B C B B


      1. 宾语

      2. 主语

      3. 表语

      4. 表语

      5. 表语; 主语

      6. 主语

      7. 介宾

      8. 主语

      9. 表语







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